Durian Cake Singapore | Best Durian Cake


cat mountain cake

Savour the Grand Taste of Singapore with the King of Fruits

Discover the essence of Singapore with our exquisite Durian
creations. We truly believe nothing takes the heart of most
Singaporeans than the King of Fruit; Mao Shan Wang (cat
Mountain King) Durian!

Perfect for any occasion, indulge in this luscious tropical joy that
promises to delight your tastebuds



Mao Shan Wang (Cat Mountain King)

Durian Cake


Mao Shan Wang (Cat Mountain King)

Durian Pandan Chiffon Cake


Kopi O Mao Shan Wang (Cat Mountain King) Cake



Looking for the Best Durian Cake in Singapore?

pandan chiffon


Handcrafted with care and using only the finest ingredients, our range of Durian Cakes is a must-try for anyone seeking a

culinary experience.


Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply craving a taste of tropical luxury, our durian creation
promises to captivate your senses with its irresistible allure.


To ensure the utmost freshness and quality, please note that our Durian Cakes are made to order and require a lead time

of 3 days. Indulge in the decadent flavours of our Durian Cake and savour the extraordinary!

Tradition is in Our Name, but Innovation is in Our Bloodline



39+ years of baking experience

Having a wealth of experience and expertise in baking and running our bakery for close to four decades guarantees consistently high-quality baked goods every time.


Innovation in our products

We don't only rely on our customers' nostalgia of growing up with the bakery's products for them to come back.

We make sure to adapt to changing trends over the years with our signature Singapore flair to keep things exciting.


Where tradition and modernity meet

There's a reason why The Pine Garden's cakes and pastries have been at the centre of Singaporeans' family celebrations and dessert tables for decades.

We have perfected age-old baking techniques and adapted handed-down recipes to bring you that sense of comfort and familiarity across time and space.


Family-owned and operated

As a family-owned and operated bakery, our personal touch and sense of family are infused into the business.


This means a deep understanding of what our beloved customers want and, thus, a higher level of quality and attention to detail in the products and services we offer.


A unique understanding of Singaporean heritage

At The Pine Garden, we aim to uphold our tradition while working to capture the changing tastes of Singaporeans year after year.




kopi o durian

There's No Better Durian Cakes than

Pine Garden's!


At The Pine Garden, we elevate the essence of Singapore
with our signature Durian Cake. Bursting with the rich,
creamy flavours of Southeast Asia's beloved Durian fruit,
this cake is a true indulgence for your senses.

Each bite offers a perfect harmony of light fluffy
spongecake, sandwiched with layers of velvety durian pulp
& decadent cream, creating a symphony of flavour that
delights with every slice.

Experience the unparalleled taste and tradition of
Singapre in every bite of our exquisite Durian Cake.